Racing heart

Ok so u went to my ob this morning and she wasn't there due to an emergency delivery... I talked to the nurse tho and explained to her a FEW times during my pregnancy I've been relaxing on the couch or in bed and all of a sudden my heart starts racing ... I feel tightness in my throat and I can see it beating thru my shirt... This only last for like 5 seconds and then slows back to normal.... Nurse said to call my general Doctor so he can rule out any heart conditions.... I plan on talking to my ob when I go next month again because this is something that only started happening since I've been pregnant.... I'm not a doctor by any means but I was thinking maybe something to do with the fact blood volume increases and I've read ur heart actually changes position while pregnant to accommodate extra blood volume.... Don't get me wrong I am going to tell my regular physician about this and I do see him regularly so if I had a pre-existing condition he would've seen it already. So is this new? has anyone experienced this or heard of this ??