Are these really my thighs? 😢

Crystal • I have two angel babies and a beautiful rainbow baby. Cruz was born 7/11/2016 and is perfect! Thank you Glow!
Hey ladies! My pregnancy has been kind enough to add weight to not just my tummy but my hips, bum, and thighs too. For the first time in life my thighs are touching. I'm not talking about just missing the "thigh gap" I mean that when I walk they now rub together and it's SO uncomfortable. It makes me waddle! I've always thought the pregnant waddle comes from a big belly but now I'm thinking maybe it's a desperate attempt to keep our growing thighs from sticking together, haha. 
Am I the only one dealing with this? I love wearing dresses but I'm starting to find it so uncomfortable now. Do you girls wear special undergarments to deal with this? I'd hate to wear spanks every day 😩