Teen moms 👶🏾👪

Ari • 19 👑💕 FTM 👶🏽💭
I always see teen moms getting bashed , judged and just treated like pure shit Bc of their decision to have a baby young ( planned or unplanned ) I myself am a teen mom and will be expecting my bundle of joy in October ☺️ . To me "age" doesn't  define maturity or how good of a mother you'll be to your lil one . I do agree that school is very important , as well as living out your teen age years . Some have children for all the wrong reasons i.e. Trying to keep their significant other etc. & I don't condone that but  Children are blessings and deserve the best life possible because they did not ask to be brought into the world . So therefore I will not judge a young mother  based on her decision to have a kid young . I feel as though as long as the baby is being taking care of , why not let them be happy. We as women should be uplifting & not looking down upon others . Share your teen mom stories 💕💭