*TMI* I need help...

Haley • I'm 18 years old and currently working towards my masters in nursing!
I'm 18 years old, sexually active, and on birth control. Right before Christmas this year I went for my first ever physical and the doctor said she was unable to see my cervix and she wasn't sure what was blocking it so she called in another doctor and a nurse practitioner, neither of which knew what was blocking my cervix either. So, since they were unsure of what it was they made me an appointment with a specialist. However, the appointment wasn't until two months later. Prior to the physical I had no symptoms but a week after the visit I began experiencing a burning starting near my belly button and moving downward as well as severe cramping. I also was having chest pain and was urinating frequently, especially at night. There was no pain during inter course and although I have only ever had one sexual partner, they tested me for STDs. They also ran other tests for infections and other diseases. All results came back negative and the doctor still was unsure of what was wrong so he prescribed me pain medications for the pain and told me to follow up if the symptoms worsened. After several months my symptoms went away and I thought I was better. Last month my period was a week late and a few weeks ago, the burning returned but isn't as intense as before. (Here comes the TMI part), I started my period again today and I use a menstral cup. Usually my period is very heavy but when I cleaned my cup out there was no liquid in it whatsoever. However, there was something stuck all around the rim of the cup that was clumpy. It had blood mixed into it but the blood was brown and black, and it had a very strong odor that was almost sweet smelling. Has anyone else ever had these symptoms or anything similar. Or any ideas as to what this could be. Any suggestions would be helpful, thank you!