Walmart Baby Box

JEN • Married 12/31/11 TTC since 1/1/12. We suffered a mc 12/23/14 :( started 2015 we did injections, still BFN, did 1 IUI BFN finally moved to IVF (long lupron protcol) in Sept. BFP! EDD 07/17/16
I love getting things in the mail. You can sign up for the Walmart baby box, it's $5 bucks and you get it every 90 days. The bottle they shipped sales for 5 bucks so you get your money's worth and it's 5 bucks. I've subscribe to bluum and bump box and while they are 40 bucks and provide some nice stuff I don't think they are worth it. But this is only 5 bucks so if you don't like your products you're not really out that much money.