10 week pic! U/S - baby danced! Panorama Testing...


We got to see our lil bub today and he/she waved and kicked! Amazing! We could see lil finger and toe nubs. The U/S pic is so much more blurry than what we saw on screen =/ Tech said my placenta is on the right side, so perhaps a boy (according to Ramzi)??? This is our second lil one. Our son is now 6, so quite a gap... it took some time and some extra help to conceive this blessing!

We also got the Panorama and Natera testing done today and had everything over-nighted to the lab. Our son came back high risk for Downs when I was pregnant all those years ago, but an amnio disproved those results. We were amazed that they can do this testing all through bloodwork now! Early gender detection is an added plus :)

Wishing all you mommies happy and healthy pregnancies!