Why why why???

MommaOf1👧🏻 • 👧🏼 1-1-17💜💕 👼🏻
So since I see a lot of posts directed at us AMERICANS I feel us AMERICANS. Should have something to say about this. WHY do you people from other countries think it's okay or fare to pinpoint or point the ugly finger at us like we are the sole purpose for everything wrong. Or think we are sissy or mean or rude or crappy people or just anything to say that we are horrible people? It's not just us in this huge world. We are not one world we are one country out of all the countries on this planet. We aren't the only ones who hate people and we aren't all the same. We have nice genuinely good people here in the us and in American as a whole. We aren't all bad we aren't all mean and so on and so forth. Stop saying oh those Americans are this or those Americans are that..it's pathetic and honestly the most stupid thing I've ever heard. You think we stereotype people well lots of other countries stereotype us. How about we point the finger to Britain about how they have bad looking teeth or point to say all people in the Middle East are terrorists because no not all of them are and not all of Britain and probably most have nice teeth. My point is stop saying crap about other countries. Ok this is ridiculous.