
Got something to get off your chest? All rants and vents go here!

Creator: Glow

Members: 148,882

Is there something you need to get off your chest?

This is the group to rant away....  Although please keep in mind that all Glow Community rules apply in this room as well. Most important of which is: Do not rant about other Glow users or groups of Glow user.  Rants that work: "Why do men spit on sidewalks? It makes my stomach turn!" Rants that do not: "Why are women on Glow so [fill in the blank]?  Thank you!   

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Last reply Nov 8, 2015

Cheater wife thatā€™s me

So my husband decided that I was cheating back in 2023 -2024 we had split up for like 7 months so if I did see someone itā€™s not cheating but to be honest I didnā€™t do anything I have 6 kids that obviously staid with me the whole time we split up and he never really saw them I never received a dollar for food or wipes or anything that a child needs especially when out running errands so we decided in April of 2024 to get back together so basically we get a house and stay here and a month ago he starts to bring up storyā€™s about me cheating wich to be honest is so crazy bc heā€™s got to be crazy or clearly something wrong with his mind because heā€™s believes the story he tells me but that didnā€™t happen anyhow since then Iā€™ve been treated horribly Iā€™m 14 weeks pregnant he didnā€™t care when I told him I was pregnant at-least he showed no emotion about it he tells at me he tells me hates me he makes sure I feel the cold shoulder heā€™s giving me honesty it breaks my heart bc this time when I decide at time to move out bc I just canā€™t leave with all my kids with no were to go no money nothing so when it happens Iā€™m thinking the next 3-4 months heā€™s going to regret everything he did to me this marriage is so toxic I know I deserve better maybe he does too who knows but what I do know is tht he has killed the love I have for him and itā€™s turned into hate bc I canā€™t stand his way of treating me I donā€™t deserve it never in my whole marriage did I ever think he would ever accuse me of cheating but this is life and this is my life I hope by 2026 Iā€™m in a home with my babyā€™s healing bc there will be no going back this time !

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Last reply 3 hours ago


Either he has a mental issue, or hes abusive and uses this as an excuse to treat you badly or control you, or hes a cheater himself and hes projecting.

Renting a room rant..

Iā€™m renting a room from someone w/ two kids. Most of the time Iā€™m there in my room I use my ear plugs for tranquility or I just chill in my car elsewhere. The lady has two fridges, one is shared by the additional roommate & I. Iā€™m on month two of being here & the kids literally eat/grab my foods. Which I expected, but even the two adults have grabbed my bread & cheese not acknowledging I bought them. They share food with each other, but thatā€™s not something we agreed on. Iā€™m not sure if she thinks Iā€™m unaware or pretends to not be aware of it herself. I would respect if she actually told me about it. I respect their things and wouldnā€™t grab their food without them knowing. Iā€™m paying my half to have my space there. Itā€™s more money I have to spend regardless, if they keep eating my food and/or me eating out almost daily. Now my car looks crazy packed w/ pantry items that I donā€™t even feel like unloading anymore. Itā€™s depressing seeing my car filled like that when Iā€™m paying over $600 for space in a home.

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Last reply Mar 18


Perhaps invest in a mini fridge for your room when i was renting i got 1 of those shelves that goes over your toilet to keep my dry goods above my fridge too. At least with the things you know kids would eat.

I wish I could pull my IUD out myself

I wonā€™t šŸ™‚ but I want to. I donā€™t understand. Got the liletta IUD 5 years ago. Never had a single issue with it. Just got it replaced last October, due to the hormones dropping and me losing the benefits of the hormones. All of the sudden Iā€™m breaking out like I am 14 and just hit puberty and itā€™s presenting in a way like I have something coming out through my skin. Like the body filters crap out, and sometimes that presents as acne. I am covered in tiny little white heads, some huge. My skin was completely clear before I got the IUD replaced and had been clear for years. Iā€™m almost freaking 30. I shouldnā€™t be all hormonal and broke out. Itā€™s horrible, and I canā€™tTake it anymore. The skin on my chest genuinely hurts like Iā€™m broke out across my entire chest and some are deep and cystic. Setting up an appointment to rip this thing out and just try going about finding a new form of BC. I guess the body changes with that it will tolerate as you age. Iā€™m just pissed. The IUD was the only one that didnā€™t give me hell.

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Last reply Mar 4


I took my iud out myself šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

Am I wrong for feeling this way?

Iā€™m so exhausted Iā€™m almost 32 weeks but Iā€™m high risk I have extra fluid and baby is running in the 98th percentile. No gestational diabetes but my dr said I can go into labor at anytime and plans to induce around 37-38 weeks.My bf just lost his brother it is very sad and heartbreaking and Iā€™m trying to be there for him. He wants to have him cremated with no service. But his family is out of state and wants him brought down and just expects him to drop everything even though he doesnā€™t want to. They started planning a ceremony without even asking him first about bringing the ashes so now theyā€™ve pressured him so much he is going. This is going to cost us quite a bit they said he can try to get donations and use that to pay šŸ™„šŸ˜’ plus when he leaves I will be 35 weeks. Plus he mentioned to some guy we both know that Iā€™m pregnant and he just straight out said are you sure itā€™s even yours?The guy made comments about me being stretched out after and wanted details of that night also made comments about he should cut the cord even if it turns out not to be his bc itā€™s cool to see a live birth. His family is now making comments on a name we decided bc the baby will have my last name not his only bc it is a Spanish name and blends better. He never says anything never defends me. Now he is in the hospital with the guy that made the comments he didnā€™t want me there bc he might have something contagious bc he has a fever. I was pissed that he called that guy and then he had that asshole call me and text me bc his phone is almost dead. I feel so disrespected that he would even have that guy there let alone want me to return his call after what was said. I feel like between his family and coworkers Iā€™m always on the back burner and he never stands up for me but just says ā€œI hope you didnā€™t take that the wrong wayā€ side note I wanted to move out of the country with my family but put it on hold when I met him he now doesnā€™t want to go and I put it off bc how could I make someone go who doesnā€™t want to and now I have so much regret šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

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Last reply Mar 1

@GlowGPT please help me with this topic!

My husband rui. My bithday again.

I fill like blowing up and I don't have anyone to talk to. I have been married for over 6 years and.my husband has ruin every single birthday, Valentine, etc. I started my birthday crying today and his answer is always I have done nothing wrong and how I ruin your day, of course this is a retorical question, if I try to explain he will ignore me and denied every I say. I was hoping the last birthday before.the divorce would be different, but I can hear now how stupid that sound. He ruin my whole birthday week. I only wanted a shower, change my sheets and being with him (not sex, may be like a hug or something). Sex has been out of the picture almost since day one. He did promise me sex on my birthday, that he will try, but he was only.trying to avoid me the day before. After time I understand how he groom me to end up with him. How nobody will want to, how he isolated me. I am upset and sad at the same time. I look forward to my birthday gift to myself, my divorce papers.

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Last reply Mar 1


Please get the Gaslighting Recovery Workbook, it's available on Amazon for less than $20 and can make a big difference in recovering from narcissistic abuse, which sounds like what you're dealing with. Learn to love yourself and limit these kinds of people in your life šŸ’“

haters gonna hate is the realest and most infuriating thing in the world.

look: im a huge swiftie and im so sick and tired of hearing people hating on her FOR ABSOLUTELY NO REASON. when you ask for the reason it's either: "kanye made her famous" or "she used her jet for a 40 second flight and she's ruining the environment" BLA BLA BLA. NO HE DIDN'T STFU. AND you're jealous that you don't have a jet and probably aren't aware of the fact that she donated more than 3 times worth what she polluted to a cause that plants trees and saves forests AND the year she polluted the most, she wasn't even in the top 20 celebrities that used their jet most. she was no. 49 or something and the famous kanye west and his ex wife kim were in the top 5. wonder why nobody was commenting on them huh? she gets so much hate just because she's successful and i get so offended whenever i hear something bad about her because if you actually knew her story and watched her documentary you'd know that all people have done to her in that industry is treat her in the shittiest way possible. she's earned all her success and got up each time they've pushed her down but that doesn't mean she isn't a human. she gets hurt, she has feelings. when people booed her at the superbowl, she laughed it off, you know why? because she sold out that entire arena with her record breaking tour. and im not saying everybody needs to be a swiftie or like her or something like that, but agreeing with all the bad stuff they say about her, insulting her, and just disliking her for no reason is so disrespectful. you don't know somebody? then you don't get to have an opinion on them. i just hate that people judge you as soon as you say you like taylor swift and start hating on her saying the dumbest fucking things on planet earth. i don't understand how such an innocent person can have that much hate for no reason at all. if anyone wants to answer negatively, and hate on her in the comments at least give me an ACTUAL, VALID, reason you hate her and I'll probably prove you wrong. not here to fight with anybody, i just needed to rant about this because it's literally part of my everyday life.

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Last reply Feb 28


If this is your biggest concern in the world, you have a lot to be thankful for.

Hate taxes season

First time buying a house great when taxes coming up even better since we get more money but nope not anymore apparently they stoped that in 2009 but 2yrs ago coworkers got extra money on his taxes for buying his first house huge waste of time and money payed 200 for h&r to file taxes to get nothing back since fed and state cancel each other out being an adult sucks some times lol

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Last reply Feb 22


ā€¢Interest deductions + improvements to your home + the house itself devaluing (recapture something tax forgot the name). Thereā€™s a huge upside in being a home owner:)

What was I thinking

Wtaf was going through my head my youngest is only 15 months old and my monkey brain was like omg lets have another child RN like bitch what do you want and was I paying attention to my brain no of course not I was looking at my son's baby pictures like wtaf so what did I do I didn't take my birth control for a week did my husband know I stopped yesterday he did he was like alright.... So I guess him and my monkey brain were in agreement like yeah have another child when we can't afford food as is sounds like a spectacular idea not to mention every time I have had a child I have hemriched. Ahhhh so now I am just pacing around because I'm such a fucking idiot like wtf why was that my brain last week and I feel like it's too late for plan b. God damnit maybe I won't get pregnant and my body will know to be stubborn I mean shit it took 4 years between my oldest and my youngest to get pregnant again ahhhhbhhhh fuck bad decisions God dammit I mean excuse my French but fuck red states God damn it.

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Last reply Feb 18


OMFGGG IM LITERALLY GOING THRU THE SAME THING. My oldest is 10yrs old but my 2nd child is 4 months and Iā€™m currently almost 2 months fckn pregnant Iā€™m panicking and soooo scared because I hemorrhaged after my son came out and almost had to have an iron transfusion. Still dealing with pains and aches from giving birth 4 months ago AND just the whole pregnancy in general and I toldddd my husband ā€œyou KNOW I donā€™t do birth control so you MUST PULL OUT!!! Ugghhh do you think a MAN listenedā€¦ noooo! So now Iā€™m pregnant scared af and not sure what to fckn do! Ugh whoā€™s the bigger idiot lol! Granted babies are a HUGE BLESSING and Iā€™m grateful I was ONCE AGAIN chosen, however, AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

So mad

So we went to our friends house up the street to watch the Super Bowl last Sunday. Me and my son are sick which happens. But my hubby says while he was at Walmart last night he saw them and was told they all had the damn flu!!!!! Like were they even going to tell us ?!!! UGH I work with small kids and my son goes to my aunts daycare , etc. I am 11weeks and few days pregnant So could me and my son have the flu? Heā€™s coughing- did throw up Wednesday 2x- had a temp but hasnā€™t come back- wetish cough.My body hurts, sinus congestion, headache for the past few days, I feel like complete shit.

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Last reply Feb 15


Unless they knew they were sick when you came over, they did nothing wrong. I hope you feel better, thats super aggravating!

Fuck chronic health conditions

I'm so sick of being sick. I'm so fatigued run down and miserable. We planned our family knowing I was ill but my mom was helping me. She can't now because she became paralyzed. I don't have a village. My husband works so hard to support us. I tried being a stay at home wife and mom and working and ended up suicidal from the exhaustion and flare-ups and pain.Having our wonderful children put a strain on my heart and now left me with more chronic health issues on top of the ones I had prior.I'm so run down everyday simple tasks make me pass out. Today I couldn't get out of my pajamas. I couldn't even shower because of the pain. Today I had to cancel a procedure for my spine because we couldn't afford it because our well broke and we have no water. We can't go without water so I have to give up having surgery. We can't afford both. Because my prescriptions cost more this month we had to ask extended family for help for the kids sports.We don't have help with childcare at all and we can't afford it. I'm considered too healthy to be disabled but too disabled to work.I feel so guilty about our children. They legit are so little they don't understand why mom needs rest or how hard life is for me why I can't play or why I'm in crying all the time and all the doctors appointments.When we planned our family I wasn't this ill and now I'm so full of guilt. My husband has to carry the financial burden and be both a husband and caretaker sometimes to me. I'm a stay at home mom and wife but some days it's not the level they deserve.I feel like such a burden.

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Last reply Feb 17


Would getting a nerve block procedure done help in the meantime until you can have surgery?


Guys am I tripping. My roommates think I am selfish for not sharing my stash I have always had a stash of pads and tampons cause I hate to run out or low on something I need to survive. Iā€™ve done this since I was a teen. My roommate came to my room and asked if I had a pad for her to use till tomorrow when she goes to the store. I said yea I go to my closet I pull it my bin and I give her 2 pads 2 tampons 2 liners each is a different flow rate. She then turns and say I have so much and ask why. I tell her I like to stay stocked up šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø. She literally saysā€ itā€™s like your hoarding these ā€œ I chuckle and go back to my phone NEXT DAY YALL NEXT DAY we at Walmart Iā€™m looking at the cart and guess what NOT 1 box of pads OR tampons so I donā€™t say shit but I clocked it. Weā€™re home and the 3 of us are unpacking and this girl says ā€œ yā€™all I forgot to get my tampons uhhh ion feel like going back out rnā€ Silence ā€œ uh I donā€™t even have anything , Mya can I have some of yours ā€œI just say ā€œno but I can go to 7/11 and get you a pack just Apple Pay me ā€œYā€™all she got such a attitude ā€œover some pads ..you literally have enough to share with all of usā€My other roommate said that itā€™s kinda selfish that Iā€™m holding them in my room when itā€™s a emergency like thisI remind them I used to have pads and tampons in my draw in the bathroom and they would all go missing not 1 not 3 but all of them. They didnā€™t care when I needed anything so I stoped storing some in the bathroom and just kept it in my room. My argument is itā€™s not my responsibility to Provide everyone with MY stuff I bought with MY MONEY.This is my bin. Iā€™ve always had it filled if not to the top halfway I even label them.

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Last reply Mar 10


Sell them!! Lol if them need it that bad. Sell it for 2 bucks and maybe next time they dont "forget" when they go to the store.

Does this make me a bad person?

TW : ED, body shaming, rumors, $uicide im " best friends" with this girl but shes really really toxic. And this is what happened leading to to my question. Im recovering from an eating disorder and she constantly made jabs about my weight and body. About how my waist is soooo big or my hips and tits are so small compared to her( we wear the same bra size so??), my eating disorder cause me to leave my sport which broke my heart but she just dogs on me for it because she still does the sport. She has told my PERSONAL, and i mean like really really personal business to people. She started a rumor at my church/ school that i smoke weed. She shames my face for no reason. She put words in my mouth saying i called one of my closest friends at the time " a waste of space and oxygen"( said friend was suicidal). I lost my entire friend group and had no idea why. There is more but this is long enought as is, so i warned her multiple times that if she kept starting rumors/ putting words in my mouth/ spilling my business that i would do the same to her. Well she decided to tell the loudest mouth we know a very personal fact about me which got spread around, i was did what i told her i would do and said to the SAME loud mouth " she pops pills thats why she so f'ckin skinny." And now shes saying i did that unprovoked. So am i a bad person for this or did i just "defend" my self?????

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Last reply Feb 7


She's a cow. I would have said more than one thing to loud mouth about her. Cut her off. Do not mediate with "her" friend that spells trouble. Try and build friends with the ones she tried to turn against you. She will be so mad when you re-friend your actual friends as she thinks she's winning with what she's done. You're better than her.

AITH or is this just selfish behaviour ?

Iā€™m feeling a little frustrated and quite frankly angry. I have a friend who is a single mom, she doesnā€™t have much family here and only a few friends. I try to help her out when I can with her kids but I have kids of my own too. She frequently asks me for help and I feel backed into a corner because she doesnā€™t really always ask for help so much as say I need to help her. At the beginning of the year her and her boyfriend had a big blow up and they almost broke up. She asked me to watch her kids so she could work, letting me know that she desperately needs the money. So my husband and I agreed and spent two of his days off (he had taken vacation way before this) to watch her kids. Her kids were sick and she played it off like no big deal. Fast forward a couple days later and my husband and youngest were really sick. My youngest ended up needing antibiotics and I also ended up really sick and needed to call into work. A couple weeks later I announced my pregnancy to her. This past week she called and said her boyfriend was experiencing a medical emergency and she needed to take him to the hospital. She asked if I could watch her kids and said they were sick again. I hesitated but she said I was her only option as her ex (the kids dad) would use this as fuel in his battle for more custody of the kids. She dropped them off, and left and a few hours later her youngest started throwing up from how bad her cough was. Didnā€™t take long and now my family is sick again, and Iā€™ve been laid up in bed going on three days. Iā€™m still early in pregnancy, this is rainbow baby after a miscarriage, and Iā€™m so worried about this somehow affecting the baby. Not to mention I likely will have to call into work again this week because of this. My husband works from home, thankfully, but heā€™s been pulling double duty caring for the kids and working which means long days for him because Iā€™m physically so sick (not to mention morning sickness). I donā€™t know what to do about it and while I want to be a good friend and help when I can, I feel like sheā€™s been selfish and makes me feel guilty if I canā€™t watch her kids. Iā€™m not a germaphobe or anything, but I do feel really taken advantage of.

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Last reply Jan 29


Definitely tell her no! I had someone not tell me their kids were sick and brought them to my house with runny noses visibly sick and got my baby who has a weak immune system sick! She didnt care they got my child sick which was disappointing but now i know not to have them over. I know you want to be a helpful friend but you have to think about your own family as well especially if you really dont want fo watch them.

Stressed outšŸ˜­

Found out we were pregnant December 20th , have my 1st appointment Thursday šŸ„° We are FINALLY getting our living room and dining room redone by my uncle starting tomorrow (was supposed to have had it done last year in September but nope. Anyways, aside from that we have a crack in our tub , which hubby will get something as a temporary fix for it but says we shouldnā€™t even be showering in it cause water will get under the tub and floor šŸ¤® I hope the bathroom will be redone before baby is here (should be towards end of August)šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜­ I hate when things break and whatnot. I still donā€™t have a new dishwasher eitheršŸ˜­ washing dishes takes up so much time I could be doing other things.

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Last reply Jan 22

@GlowGPT please help me with this topic!

He trapped me 2x & I fell for it

I need advice or perspectives on my situation. Me & my childrenā€™s father who Iā€™ve been with on & off for. 10 years recently just had a third child. Our first child was planned we had been trying but she was conceived unexpectedly after stopping to ā€œtryā€. Our second & third he planned on me as he always says ā€œ it was the right timing . ā€œ it was God timing , God told me itā€™s timeā€ . ā€œ I needed themā€ (the kids). But we were in a rocky area of our relationship. We spoke about precautions & ways to protect ourselves during sex, I told him prior that more kids after our first born wasnā€™t the right decision. I still was pregnant later that month . With our third , I brung precautions, spoke about us , about how he knows I want marriage & how I came to terms with him wanting different things than me & how we would prevent kids from happening. Let me tell yall he is the best at withholding him semen he can have sessions of sex & not cum . Heā€™s the most experienced man Iā€™ve ever dealt with thatā€™s good with withholding his but we prevented kids for 5 years before our first born . So hereā€™s my reasoning for this post. Now that we have 3 kids & we are now sexually active again after postpartum of our third I canā€™t help but to feel disconnected. I feel myself getting angry , getting turned off , feeling trapped & angered by how he can just go back to withholding his semen perfectly but wouldnā€™t withhold it during my attempts to tell him , talk to him , and brung precautions to prevent pregnancy when I didnā€™t want anymore kids in a situation that wasnā€™t fitting for my life . He literally told me he intended on this recently during a talk . I couldnā€™t even gather my thoughts correctly. I know I had sex with him to o& that it takes 2 but I canā€™t process the fact that he said ā€œyes I intended on this happening all 3 timesā€ despite the actions, talks, morals & things I broke down to him .. my question is do I have a right to feel this way ? And what can I do to move past these hard feelings ? Itā€™s to the point that we are now having sex & Iā€™m disgusted watching him easily going back to withholding & being able to fully control his ejaculation & Iā€™m questioning why didnā€™t he do this when I asked? Or didnā€™t do this for me period ?

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Last reply Feb 27


Get birth control and therapy for you. Being in a toxic marriage is not a good thing for you or your kids. A real Christian would not manipulatehis wife.

Age Gap and Trying For A Baby.

My boyfriend and I are currently trying for our first, and weā€™ve been trying since September. I havenā€™t really used ovulation tests so I never know when I ovulate. I had a very short cycle in December. I had a period on November 15th, 2024 and then I had a period on December 6th-7th and I just finished one that started on December 29th, 2024. Glow says to take a ovulation test on Monday. For a bit more of a back story, my boyfriend is nineteen years old and I am twenty-six. My boyfriend and I have been friends for three years since he was seventeen, we both have disabilities, and we met through my abusive ex-fiancĆ©, my boyfriend saw first hand the abuse I went through. I had finally had enough and left my ex-fiancĆ© this past April, a month after I left my ex-fiancĆ© my boyfriend and I got together. Now Iā€™ve had a crush on my boyfriend since I met him and I would playfully flirt with him even in front of my ex-fiancĆ© who I was with at that time. I wouldnā€™t of done anything with my boyfriend while I was still with my ex-fiancĆ©. My boyfriend wanted to try for a baby as soon as we started going out, I had told him I wanted a baby before Iā€™m thirty years old and he always wanted to be a Dad, so he is wanting to try for a baby as well. We donā€™t live with each other at the moment but Iā€™ll be moving into an apartment in March and heā€™ll be moving in a couple months after me. We know we will need support to raise a baby because of our disabilities and we have some supports in place to help us. He currently lives with his Mom and he sees his Dad from Friday Night until Monday Afternoon. I started taking prenatal vitamins. I had a preconception checkup. I have to make an appointment with my OBGYN this week because she said when I saw her in August to come back to see her if I hadnā€™t gotten pregnant in four months. I was diagnosed with PCOS and was put on Provera to restart my period Iā€™ve been off of them since September. And have had several natural periods after coming off Provera. Please donā€™t leave rude/hurtful comments related to my boyfriend and Iā€™s disabilities and raising a baby or that I was ā€œgroomingā€ him when he was seventeen. Iā€™ve heard enough of that and donā€™t need anymore of those comments. We know people wont like how we got together or our age difference but we love each other and want to start a family together. And because of the comments from trying for a baby while we have disabilities and from the age gap and people thinking I was grooming my boyfriend when he was seventeen I have decided to keep myself anonymous. Thank you. I just would like some advice or anything else you have to offer.

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Last reply Jan 7


Whatā€™s the rush with having a child before 30? And all I can say is itā€™s a bit dramatic that people are saying this is predatory. 19 is NOT a child FFS. Why do we infantilize young adults? These people are responsible for themselves. šŸ™„

Feel like giving up

Iā€™m at my breaking point.. Iā€™ll be 35 weeks soon and have a 2 yr old son. I was financially stable until we decided to move with family until our house was done getting fixed but that was a lie. He kicked me and my son out and been on my own since. Canā€™t even find shelters to go to in our hometown. Got a good job and canā€™t even save up where Iā€™m at because they want my entire check every time I get paid.. about to just give my kids away and just go missing for a couple years I canā€™t take it anymore I will do anything for my children but itā€™s so hard .. everyone is so rude to me now since I been down and now itā€™s affecting my son on our living arrangements. I been feeling this same pain for months and everything is getting worse

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Last reply Jan 5


you can do this stay strong stay positive everything will work out in the end. see if anyone needs a roommate you got this. i believe in you.

So Irritatedā€¦

Why are men so dumb sometimesā€¦. Most times and supposedly unknowingly šŸ˜’So this is in reference to my previous post. And I probably sound annoying or somethingā€¦ Back to the cousin who said she would be all over my s.o if he wasnā€™t married. LOLIā€™ve told him I do not like her. And he goes I know but what do you want me to do , I canā€™t stop talking to her because she works with me. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚ which ok fine. But how about moving when she comes to touch your arm or your neck/back. No ā€¦ he just sits there like a dumbass. And I could tell he was nervous too ā€¦ And then today she calls him asking for a favor , she wanted to borrow money. Said she would pay him tomorrow cash. Ok? And then I realized she said she only needed it to buy something online. Ok why is that our problem. I probably sound like a bitch but ā€œWHY IS IT HIS PROBLEM??? ā€œ ā€¦ He was like , what you want me to tell her I donā€™t have 200$ lmao I have that soā€¦ And then he starts talking to me about some personal stuff she told him about her brother Ect ? I was listening and Iā€™m thinking šŸ˜’šŸ˜‚soo why are yall talking about stuff like that if sheā€™s just a coworker and you only talk about work or when his friend (who likes her) is there??? Whole thing is so dumb to me and some might say Iā€™m dumb for acting like this but I can not help it. Iā€™m Beyond irritated. She also hugged my s.o and my son , saying hi and happy new year and didnā€™t even look at me. I would be more understanding if the whole thing had started differently. Like an actual cousin thing. But no , she came off as a sl**ty girl who has no morals at all. And goes after every guy regardless.

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Last reply Jan 3


I have lots of co-workers I donā€™t speak to outside of a ā€˜helloā€™ or for work related issues. They donā€™t have my personal cell phone number, and they absolutely wouldnā€™t ask me for money or physically touch me. Sounds like he needs to block her, and you both need to make it clear that sheā€™s not someone youā€™d like to continue a personal relationship with. Iā€™m a pretty direct and confrontational person, so Iā€™d just come right out and say it. Zero reason for this to continue and you to put any additional mental effort into it.

I risk sounding like a b*tch but I CANNOT šŸ˜¤

I risk sounding like such a horrible person but I need to say something before I boil over. Iā€™m not against helping, but thereā€™s a limit. Iā€™m beyond annoyed. Keep in mind Iā€™m 32 weeks pregnant. The day before Christmas Eve, I got a call from my SIL asking if I could watch a child for a few hours. I met the child two years ago when she spent Christmas with us upstate because the mother and my SIL are ā€œfriendsā€. I havenā€™t seen her in those two years. Her mother dropped her off to me at 8am and was supposed to be back at 12pm. She didnā€™t come pick her up until 7pm. She then asked my SIL if the little girl could spend Christmas with us again. So on Christmas Eve- the next day- my SIL made me & my fiancĆ© (her brother) drive the girl upstate to her house where we all gather for holidays. I spent the whole Christmas break hearing my SILs kids arguing and fighting with the little girl over toys and everything else. I already work with children so this didnā€™t feel like a break to me it felt like a God damn daycare center. The little girl opened her Christmas gift and ran away crying saying ā€œI donā€™t want that!ā€. And my BIL told me to buy the little girl some new clothes since she outgrew what her mother sent her with like ..? Sorry but how is this my responsibility? YOUR WIFE chose to host her. Now, weā€™re back home with my MIL. And the little girl is STILL with us. PLUS the nephews. My MIL agreed to babysit her for another week (mind you, all of this is for FREE) but the mother woke ME out of my sleep at 8am to receive the girl at the door even though my MIL was awake. Then my MIL stays in her room the whole morning and Iā€™m left in the living room to watch the girl (4), and my nephews (6 & 1) because somebody has too! And I donā€™t want these kids breaking my couch like they broke the last one. Now the kids decide they want to go into my babyā€™s room (still unfinished), and fight over my WHITE Sherpa rocking chair. I donā€™t want any child to mess up my chair before I even have a chance to use it, before I even have a chance to finish the room because Iā€™m going to be pissed! Then my nephew says that grandma is the one who told him to go play in my room šŸ¤Ø Iā€™m just soo.. EVERYTHING. Im regretting setting up the chair, im angry that I did not sign up to watch additional children but thatā€™s what happening anyway in order to protect my stuff, im upset that my ā€œbreakā€ from work hasnā€™t felt like a break, im mad that this little girls mother is just pawning her daughter on everybody and theyā€™re allowing it. Itā€™s just too much! And the mother doesnā€™t appreciate anything. She told her daughter to stick to us at the mall because we have money. She said that in front of everyone. My SIL braided the little girls hair and the mother said that my SIL is ganna have to do it over (again, for free) before she goes back to school. My SIL even braided the motherā€™s hair for free, even though the mother claims to be away because sheā€™s working Uber. Then the mother walks around saying she couldnā€™t afford any presents this year but goes around telling me, and everyone else, that she wants some ā€œbombshellā€ VS set since weā€™re going to the mall. Like girl.. your daughter is here calling us mommy and daddy, all confused, and youā€™re worried about some bombshell perfume?

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Comments 7

Last reply Dec 31, 2024


Just set boundaries with the mom and in laws. Youā€™re an adult. Stand up for yourself. Say no.