Difference this time around?

Wondering for all my repeat moms if they found this pregnancy different from their first(or prior's) symptom wise?
I had my first on 5/1/15..easy breezy the ENTIRE pregnancy. Not one ounce of morning sickness..tired here and there, but so much energy. Gained 18 pounds. Worked out up until the day before my c-section(had a breech baby)..
This time I am 7wk4days and I have been nauseated, throwing up, diarrhea, exhausted etc for almost 1 -1/2 weeks straight. It's impossible working full time and taking care of my 11 month old. 
Anyone in the same boat? I've tried ginger, honey, white tea, sea bands, preview pops...the only time I feel "fine" is after eating in n out burger...and I refuse to have that be my diet and ballon up lol