Can someone pretty please explain!

Vuronica • I am 18 married with to my high school sweetheart who's the most incredible man an soon to be daddy! We are expecting our first little girl Maddison Kay on August 14th(:
I went in for my anatomy scan on the 29th of march, I was 20wks an a day. the baby was being a pain an was like this at the first ultrasound at 16wks, head down an in a small tight ball. Husband and I decided we do want to know the gender since this is our first! The tech said its a girl but this is the pic we got say it it's a girl on it, I didn't actually get to see parts because of how she was laying I am still unsure may be someone can help?!?!(: I'd really appreciate it!! She said something about three dots an two white lines but idk what or where haha I have a new scan in two weeks!