Need advice

Ok so we found out we were pregnant last Sunday. Thursday I started to have some spotting so I went to the doctor. I had an internal done but couldn't see anything. The doctor said I might not be as far along as we expected based off my LMP which was 2/20. The doctor ran blood work which came back today at 768 which would make me about 6 weeks now. They also dos a swab at the visit which came back positive for bacterial vaginosis. So I started the antibiotic today. I did some tease arch online and one of the signs and symptoms of vb is spotting. I have to have more blood work tomorrow to see if my levels are trending up to rule out a miscarriage. I am trying really hard not to stress out I had a loss in December. 
Has anyone else had vb during early pregnancy and experience an spotting? 
Hoping for the best! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻