Why do girls liked married men? (Their exes, especially.)

I don't understand it. When you're with someone for six years, have a child after four years together, never live together, break up on and off, are never engaged, and break up a final time, then the guy moves on, why can't the ex just let him be happy? I get wanting your family to work. But after he gets engaged to a new girl, and MARRIES her, I think it's time to stop harassing them, trying to break them up, and coming on to him every time you see him. He's married. Don't grab his dick at a drop off with your child. 🙄 Seriously. He's a married man. Why do any women like married men? Find your own man. I swear, a majority of the people don't have morals now a days and it's pathetic. They don't respect themselves or anyone else.