So stressed...

Everything feels like it is tumbling apart right now... I don't know it if is hormones or if I'd normally be stressed or if everything feels so muh more urgent now that I am pregnant...

We had a plan... get pregnant, have him finish his last term of trade school before baby is born, then when we are start making moves to sell the house and move when I am 8 months pregnant back to the city where our families lives so that I can take my mat leave and get mat leave benefits without having to worry about getting a new job while pregnant or waiting another 2 years to start ttc.

Well now that I am pregnant nothing is going as planned really except for him being booked in for school and the fact we finally got pregnant...

He is having complications with his boss at work (who is a giant dick bag...) and his boss threatens to fire him for different dumb things almost every day (My husband his a very hard worker I do not believe he is in the wrong at all, his boss is just difficult...), so we might be lucky if he still has a job by the time he heads to school at the end of the month... Then he will be away for two whole months... and we were going to list the house as soon as he got back when I was 19/20 weeks so that we had about 3 months to sell and finalize and then move in October (we live a 6 hour drive away from family and want to be closer for when baby is born at the end of November). But because oil has tanked the town isn't booming like it was when we moved here and the most comparable house to ours on the market in town right now has been listed since the end of last summer and it now listed at $10k less than we purchased our house for and still hasn't sold...

I'm so upset at the thought that we may not be able to move closer to family and terrified of being out here without the people I consider my support system... And I never wanted to raise our baby in a shitty oil town with shitty people... And all I want to do is just crawl into a hole and sleep forever... I don't know what we are going to do...

I don't even know why I am ranting on here as no one responds anyway... But I thought it might help...

It just sucks that every choice we try to make for the better of our future ends up fucking us over in the end... Been that way forever... *Sigh...*