Disinterested partner

Does anyone's partner seem disinterested in their pregnancy? I know my husband will be a great dad but I thought he would be more excited/interested/supportive during my pregnancy. Some days I feel like I'm going through this alone. He doesn't ask how I'm feeling or do anything extra to make me feel take care of. I read articles and books on baby all the time and often pass on things I think he would like to read but he only does maybe half the time. My husband brews beer and most of his free time is spent reading about, talking about, brewing, and bottling beer. If he spent half that time preparing for and learning about our baby I would feel much differently. Tonight I told him how I feel and he said that he's sorry I feel that way but it's not true. I don't know where to go from here. I feel so lonely. How can I help him to know how it feels to be exhausted every day, constantly worried about the little one inside of you, and dealing with a body that is changing faster than you can get used to? I just want to feel supported.