Please help

So my partner has hurt me in the past at the start of our relationship and some inbetween .. And yes me being the idiot , taken her back. 
Anyways we have moved in with my good friend for a few weeks until my house is finalised.
My friend asked her if she wanted to Come to the gym with her after work, and she said yes.
Later that day she called me , and we spoke for a bit and I said are you going to go to the gym? She said why? What are your plans ( hell rudely ) I said what? I don't have any ? I think it will be good for you to go?? She goes why? U can tell me if you have plans ? By this point I was furious so she hung up on me .
I didn't speak to her for 2 hours cause I was busy working and was at the hair dressers and she pissed me off. Well I got Introuble for that to because I took to long.
Anyways I got home about 3pm and I was so tired I had a headache so I told her I'm off to sleep, and I'll see her when she gets home .. 
She comes home in a shitty and I only just woke up, And she said " you haven't been on Facebook for like 6 hours "? I'm like yeah? So? She's like why?? I'm like cause I haven't?
Why does she always question what I'm doing or where I am? Or who I'm with.. 
I have been in a down mood today cause I'm so sick of it .. We are meant to be going to Bali.. And I dnt even want her coming to be honest.. She will prob fight with me and ruin it .