A jealous manager...

Has anyone ever dealt with a jealous manager or can relate? My manager was the person that hired me. Keep in mind we have 3 managers. She did not train me.  She comes from a miltary background and I'm not sure how she was raised. I was new to the retail/ warehousing industry. Every time I saw her at work she would always try and put me down, tell me what I'm doing wrong or roll her eyes, or even laugh at me with smart remarks. Yes, I was trained properly. Some very rarely days she would be polite- smile say hello. I'm not sure if she was bipolar or not. I was always nice and incredibly better then that attitude. But I never exactly understood why she felt the need to be rude to begin with.. And be nice to others right in front of me.  No I don't expect to form any type of relationship with her but I wanted to be on the same page with her as far as communication. I worked there for 2 years and glad to have found a job in my field. Every once in awhile I think back to this job because it was my longest employer. Has anyone else ever dealt with this??