Gender Denial


So I had a Gender scan two weeks ago and they couldn't get a good reading. The tech did say she thinks she saw something making it seem like a boy. They had me come back on Monday. I had a different tech scan me and at first he was saying he saw something as well, again making it a boy. But then he had me switch positions and then he changed his mind to girl. The baby was very active so he couldn't get all the great of a still. He said he is 85% positive that it's a girl! I didn't feel confident in the answer so I went back again yesterday and the first tech scanned me. She said "Oh yeah! It's a girl!" But I'm still in denial. I already have 2 boys so I really would love a girl... But with them telling me it's a boy at first and then now it's a girl!? I don't know what exactly to believe.

I'm just worried cause I've had a few friends who were told they were having a girl most of their pregnancy but then it ended up being a boy. I don't want this happening to me. Anyone have some personal experience on this? Would should I believe?

The picture with the words is the picture the guy got on Monday and the other one is the pic they got yesterday.