Pregnancy post csection & weight loss

Hello to mama's & mama's to be! 
​I have a 14 months old baby, I've been working out on & off after the baby turned 6 months but I also have been spending too much cooking & baking as well as taking care of the baby & working full time. 
​My first pregnancy wasn't an easy sail & my post birth experience was awful due to the section I had which also caused me post partum depression. I found it very difficult to breastfeed hence the weight never changed much from around the time baby was 3 weeks. 
​Breastfeeding wasn't such an easy experience & I wasn't able to tolerate the pain of resting a 4.2kg baby ontop of wound. It took me around 12 weeks to recover. By the time I was ready to BF my maternity leave was already over & my milk supply started to decrease as well as the baby refusal to nurse.