So frustrated! Please help!

Hi ladies! I'm feeling really defeated today. My PCOS diagnosis is very new and I'm still struggling with its implications. My doctor told me that my case is not severe as I have had 3 "normal" cycles in 5 months. I know I ovulated this month because I felt it and then had it confirmed by an ultrasound that I had scheduled to obtain my PCOS diagnosis. My doctor told me I should have a "normal" cycle this month since I did ovulate. My period was due Saturday (4/9). Normally I spot for a couple of days before my period but this month there was nothing. I've also not had any of my "normal" af warnings. I woke up Saturday cramping like af was going to start and then nothing happened. I had the same cramping though less severe today and yesterday. I'm irritable and feel like crying pretty much all the time. My boobs are swollen and uncomfortable. I had milky white discharge all last week and now I'm pretty much dry. Cervix is high and fairly soft. Despite all of this I've taken 3 pregnancy tests over the last few days and they're all negative. If im having all these symptoms shouldn't I get a bfp if I am pregnant or is it possible to have a multitude of pregnancy symptoms, be pregnant, and still get a bfn? I'm really at a loss for what is happening in my body and it is super frustrating. At this point I'm just praying for af though a bfp would be nice too. My doctor told me if i go much longer than 35 days w/o af to call her for progesterone to start my period, but I would really rather do this as naturally as possible, especially since we've only been trying for 5 months. Help!