I can't believe my mother in law! I hate her! It's long...

My husband and I are no longer talking to her because she is controling, disrespectful, rude, always makes rude comments to insult us (expecially me), would stop speaking to us for weeks at a time if we made her mad over stupid stuff, would call him yelling at him if he didn't do what she wanted, would make rude comments about our home, car, and yard if she didn't like the way something looked and would call us EVERY DAY until we did what she wanted. My husband had her help him out financially and she went and told her entire family about what he told her in private. She also would try to get my husband to gang up on me with her and choose her over me..... It's like a freaking circus with this woman. Now that I'm pregnant if she isn't involved she throws fits and then tells us our baby isn't a priorty. She did approve when we told her we were pregnant and even got her family involved in showing her disapproval. It's just been one thing after another. When I was high risk and on bed rest she still had to make rude comments just to stress me out. We asked her on 2 separate occasions not to let people know we were pregnant yet and she completely ignored us. Put us on the spot and made me into her own personal joke both times. She would shame me for eating in front of everyone and told them I was going to get fat.

So I finally blew up on her and my husband and I stopped talking to her and going around her. (This is what has me up set today)> So for my birthday last week she sent me a card in the mail. (I just opened it today) On the front it says "it's all about you" now I know that seems like it's nothing but coming from her it's a very big statement. She will make rude sarcastic comments to get a reaction out of you. She loves to insult you in any way, then later if you call her out she can play dumb, blame you, say everyone hates her, blah blah blah (she is a drama queen)

So I handed the card to my husband and said look at the card your mom sent me. He took one look at it and threw it in the trash and told me to tell my sister to take her off mailing list for our baby shower.

Has anyone else when through this? It's a freaking nightmare. I keep my mouth shut she walks all over me. I open my mouth and I'm causing problems for the family. Or so she says.

Sorry if I my grammar sucks I'm mad. Lol


Thank you to everyone who commented. It let's me know we are doing the right thing. And thank you for the nice comments about my husband. He is so supportive.