CD2 and looking for a naturally committed TTC'er

Jenn • 29 yo - 13 years with DH with multiple angel and furrr babies. Lap surgery for ENDO - 10/14. Expecting our 1st in 2/16💕
Hi all, 
I am looking for a cycle buddy that is more aligned with my wish for a wholesome and natural lifestyle. We are a transitioning Vegetarian 4-5 days a week and are trying hard to move over to a Vegan lifestyle. Looking for a buddy who doesn't necessarily follow my same cycle (but that would be awesome!!) but more doesn't like the chemicals and crap that the world produces. I use organic products, hate bleach and pesticides, have Endo, are not looking into unnatural fertility aids and try to live up to my promise to give my family a toxin-free lifestyle. Looking for other glowers in the same boat.