Cycle Buddies Q&A
Find your cycle buddy here. Ask fertility health related question and get answers/support from Cycle Buddies!
Creator: Glow
Members: 5m+
How to make cycle buddies 411
A cycle buddy is a very special person. An internet stranger who will soon come to know you better than your own best friend. She is someone who shares your fears and worries, who is just as anxious to test as you are. Just as impatient. Just as reluctant. There are times she wants to be told sweet optimistic lies. And others, when she wants nothing but the honest truth. For me, by the end, my cycle buddies were more important to the process - by cheering me on, by keeping me focused, by not letting me quit - then everything else combined. Better than doctors. Better than even my own husband. I owed my infertility to PCOS and endo. I owe my children to miracles, science and to my cycle buddies. HOW TO FIND CYCLE BUDDIES 101 Step 1. Create a new thread in this room. Introduce yourself. Be descriptive. Always include length of cycle and when you are expecting AF. Example: "Hi I'm Kathy. A school teacher in NYC. I'm TTC #1. This is my sixth cycle. I use OPKs and chart. I have 32 day cycles and am expecting AF August 17th." Step 2. If you read someone's description that matches your cycle, respond to them directly and ask to be cycle buddies by sharing a bit about yourself. If no one matches you, then go to Step 1 and introduce yourself. Step 3. Check back periodically to see if you match with any new people. Step 4. Not all cycle buddies work out. Be willing to try it with a few different people. Sometimes the best buddy is not the person who best matches your cycle, but best matches your worries. Step 5. You can then either stay in your buddy thread in this room - or have one member of your group create a Private Group - just for you and your cycle buddies. Thank you and I hope each of you has a chance to experience the support that I did with my buddies (back in the day.) ADDITIONAL NOTE: Cycle buddy threads/groups that contain specific names and have been in existence for a while (have 100+ comments) are sacred. Please do not jump in unless specifically asked to join. We really appreciate your cooperation on this. There will always be plenty of ways to make your own cycle buddies.Thank you!
Last reply Feb 22, 2016
Ladies please please help
So I started my period 5 days ago and yesterday I didn’t bleed all day. So me and bf had sex last night I woke up this morning and went pee to wipe and find dark red when I wiped so I put a tampon in. Pulled it out around 3 was completely dry and hurt coming out so I left it out. Then just now I went pee again to find more really hard red blood. Why would it stop and go like this?
Last reply 1 day ago
Anyone waiting to test end of March 2025?
My cycles are 26-32 days. Predicted AF is different on 6 different apps. (Yes, 6 lmao). I’m still BF and recently got AF back last summer so they’re still kinda wonky. But who else is waiting to test until around the 28th of March at least?! This app says I’m 6DPO.
Last reply 1 day ago
Any cycle buddies?
Who wants to wait anxiously with me?
Last reply 1 day ago
Anyone on 9dpo waiting to test
Trying to be patient and test too early and drive myself insane. Anyone in the same boat?
Last reply 22 hours ago
March 12 ovulation
Did I still had a chance ? Even tho we was late ? We BD late ? ….. Did I ovulated ? No idea what I’m looking at ?
Last reply Mar 16
Cycle buddies march 11 cycle day 1
Hi queens any cycle buddies I started march 11 . Im still spotting blood is red my period has changed a whole lot after 4 kids and after I turned 35 my period is so different now .
Last reply Mar 16
Cycle Buddy
Anyone want to keep taps on each other throughout our Two weeks wait? Please where’s my cycle buddy?I’m planning on resting either the 18th or 19th.Are you guys having any symptoms? When are you planning on testing?How often did you have sex throughout your cycle?Have you guys tested today? Update: yesterday I had sharp mild pain on my left side. I’m really hoping this is it. Today having slight boob soreness. Hoping for a December baby because our birthdays are in December.Because I’m not sure when I will see my husband again. I came to see him 3/2-3/12,we are going through immigration process.Update: I think 8dpo or 9dpo I had a small brown egg white discharge when I wiped. Not sure what it was. I’m thinking about testing Friday. I haven’t had any major symptoms aside from left and right cramping on and off, boobs soreness on and off. I’m hoping this is it. I’m just really worried though.
Last reply 1 day ago
10 dpo. Guessing im out?
Last reply Mar 17
Help me
I was my lady time yesterday & today my lady time all the suddeny stop complaining & my stomach hurt so badly & i am having nausea badly this is normal
Last reply Mar 15
I'm currently 4DPO. I actually didn't realize I was ovulating until I randomly decided to take a test and it was super dark and I had no symptoms of ovulation. Has anyone's tests ever looked like this?
Last reply Mar 15
Negative test
So my period is a day late took a pregnancy test and was negative
Last reply 20 hours ago
Help me
What’s does that means brown period that’s really badly or pregnant help me
Last reply Mar 12
Any fellow cycle buddies?
I’m 43 trying for baby number 2! This is the second month of TTC.
Last reply Mar 12
Round 2
So this my second month ttc. Today (3/11) is the first day of my cycle. Anyone wanna be cycle buddies or just want to motivate each other this month? I could use the support and laughs along this journey. Im 39 and just decided I wanted to try for one more before I hang up the fertility towel. Thanks ladies and good luck!
Last reply Mar 11
Weird period
Is it normal on the 4th day of my period today but it’s bin on and off one min I wipe there’s nothing the next there is perred blood again ?
Last reply Mar 11
Inducing period
Hi is northestrone good to induce period as haven’t had a period in months
Last reply Mar 11
Cycle day 43
Any advice or just someone to talk to/listen would be great. I know I’m crazy but I’ve had late periods before and gotten my hopes up for years, so much money wasted & always hyper fixating whether I could be pregnant for years… so when I’m late I don’t get excited like I used to bc I’m saving myself from a depression funk when it turns out I’m not because even when I’m late- my period has always shows up by latest day 38-39! January 24th was my last period. This is a new record for me.. I keep saying it’ll come tomorrow so I’m not gonna test but it still hasn’t. I’ve had cramps- swearing I’d get my period but nope, lots of emotions and easy to cry, my boobs look/ feel big, hungry- but that’s normal pms symptoms for me sometimes. My cycle are usually 31-36 days & like I said before latest ever 38-39 days. Idk what to do. I wanna take a test but I don’t even wanna cry when it’s negative yet again ya know? No one talks about how soul crushing that is to repetitively see when you want a baby so badly. But Tomorrow will be cycle day 44.
Last reply Mar 16
Need advice help anything I have nobody to talk or please help
Good morning I have a questionI have changed my whole lifestyle around at the beginning of this year I stopped smoking cigarettes cold turkey no vape or anything and I’ve only been eating healthy non-processed foods, healthy, lean meats only drinking water and staying away from sugars I have been lightly working out and making sure I move every day as right now I am a stay at home wife so I do not want to get to stationary and I am taking some vitamins and supplements to help with PCOS such as myo& d-chiro inositol in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast I also take 400 mg of folic acid 250 mg of magnesium and one 600 mg nac (N-Acetyl cysteine) x2 a day once in morning once at night with my berberine with Ceylon cinnamon my acne has also gone away and I didn’t have as bad PMS symptoms like I normally do my question is my period has been pretty regular for the past 3 to 4 years and this cycle it was 9 days late just got it this morning do you think it's just my body trying to reset and I will start having better cycles now.? (picture is just so I don’t get lost)
Last reply Mar 6
Cycle buddies?
Got my peak today! Anyone else BD today!?😂 trying for baby #4👶🏼🙏🏻🤍
Last reply 3 days ago