birth control

I'm 15 and I have sex maybe once or twice a month with my long term boyfriend. I hinted at my mom that I wanted to be on birth control the other day, but I never said full out that I was meaning birth control and I really don't think she got the idea of what I was meaning. I was telling her that my periods are really heavy and that I have them twice a month (which this is all true). I don't really care to have it for my period, because I can deal with that, but I want it so my chances of pregnancy will be smaller. we always use a condom, but I still worry 24/7 after we have sex. I cannot think of another way to tell her I want to be on it without just straight up telling her I have sex. any advice or suggestions would be helpful! TIA
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Just tell her the truth! 


E • Apr 14, 2016
You should just tell your mom! Talk to her❤️


GF • Apr 14, 2016
the thing is I'm not lying about my periods, but I can deal with the pain of that. I'd much rather have it for its real purpose


E • Apr 13, 2016
Having sex has risks! And can ruin a lot of things when your young! Even if you get the birth control without your mom knowing why, she might still find out that you're having sex! And then you'll have to tell her then.


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Try telling her that your periods are becoming irregular. 


Tiffani • Apr 13, 2016
The doctor my suggest birth control. I had extremely irregular periods, birth control was the first thing that came out of my doctor's mouth


GF • Apr 13, 2016
I told her that I have them twice a month and that they are really heavy. she never once suggested birth control she just said she would take me to the doctor