Frustrated and need another opinion

Whitnee • 24 year old college graduate that loves to exercise and is expecting my first baby sept. 2016
So I just want to start off by saying that I am in no way a gold digger or materialistic. I pay for nearly everything in my relationship and that never bothered me because I know he's a great guy and if I ever need anything he would take care of it(depending). Plus it's a way I express love but I have been with my man for 2 years now and I'm 5 months pregnant  with our first. I'm in another state for a few weeks and been here since January so it's been long distance but still good and when he came for the gender reveal at the doctors I paid for everything in his trip. Basically what I'm saying is we are on good terms but he refuses to spend any money on me. I am frustrated because the last week my back has been killing me, so much it hurt to breathe so I asked him if he would mind paying for me to get a massage just cause it would be sweet of him and he said yes...he never did but when it came up today he freaked out and asked why I didn't just do it for myself, " pay for it yourself!" I'm frustrated bc I'm always trying to make him comfortable or show my appreciation and he has NEVER gotten me anything but a present for my birthday and Christmas. It's not about the money cause he has that but he refuses to rub my back himself but won't even pay $40 for a massage special. I feel like it shouldn't be that big a deal bc I never ask for ANYTHING material and he knows my tiny frame is going through so much with this pregnancy. Thoughts?