If you know the song 'it won't be like this for long'

Jessie 🌛 • Celine 💕❤️
Yesterday I was in the car with my bf and he hates country and I love it. So the song 'it won't be like this for long' Came on and I was like oh this song is so cute , listen to what it says & talks about ... So half way through the song he asks me a random question about something totally random and I was like are you even listening ! And he's like yes yes he splashed cold water on his face..... I started crying lmfao. At first it was just tears and when he started asking what was wrong I was crying harder and told him 'I just wanted you to listen for 5 minutes' .. He was just staring at me like he didn't know if to take me serious or not because it was so silly 😂😂😂😫😫😫