Some useful tips!

What we did differently this month and got pregnant after disappointing 11 months of trying:
​Monitered our cycles to try and guess the day I ovulate. Used an ovulation kit. Had intercourse every morning and evening starting one day prior to when we got a positive on the ovulation test strip, for 3 days in a row.
​Orgasms aren't necessary to concieve, nor any circus after coitus. Remain in a comfortable position for atleast an hour and resume normal activity.
​Also, stay physically active during cycles, and it's perfectly normal to hope and over-read any symptoms during the two-week-wait.
​Lastly and most importantly, prayers to God, meditating on God to answer your prayers, and not losing faith, that your prayers won't be unanswered, is the greatest and most powerful way to    make this miracle happen for you! 
​All the best! Hope every couple who deserves to have a child, be blessed with one.