Father's right to be celebrated.


Just came accross an article about a man expecting a child sharing hia opinion on how he feels that the pregnancy should be about both expecting parents and how he feels dad's to be should be included in the celebration. I would have to agree with him and i think its sad that women were rude saying they have done nothing but to put his sperm inside and that the woman does all the work. Yes, we have the hardest part of growing a baby and all the uncomfortable thing that comes with it but who is there when everything is going on? Our men, they stick with you throughout all of it. They have to deal with your hormones, mood swings, when you are emotional. They'll try their best to get you that mac and cheese pizza you were craving at 3am when everything is close. Comforting you when you are sad on in pain, make sure you are staying healthy for the baby and yourself. There's soo much they have to put up with so if they want to get a little recognition celebration, why not? He's not saying woman should get all the attention but to give him a little props as well because in all honesty they both made the baby.

Edit: This only apply to those men that are involved and comitted to help out. If not well obviously they dont deserved it. I know every relationship is different as well men and women are.