Losing weight

I wasn't concerned until people started guilting me about it. But due to gallbladder issues, I have had to completely change my diet. No red meat, no grease, no oils, no dairy, no fat, no corn, limited processed foods... Since doing this, I have lost close to 11 lbs. (Been doing this for about 2 weeks). I am still eating frequently, I am just eating healthy foods. I didn't think anything of it because my baby looks the size it should on ultrasound (last one was a week ago) but someone commented that I still shouldn't be on a strict diet. However, if I don't diet and have 3 more flare ups, theyre making me get surgery in my second trimester (I am 11w 3d today). Its not like I have cut calories, I just eat better foods. I called my doctor but wont hear back until tomorrow and I have an appointment next week. Should I be concerned?