Birth control playing God???

Ok, so before anyone freaks out about the title of this post, let me explain. My husband and I have 2 children and are expecting #3 next July. I do not take any form of birth control because my body simply cannot handle it, and my husband doesn't like to use condoms. After our 2nd child came along, we decided that we would try for a 3rd and then my husband would have a vasectomy.  I am now havig second thoughts about him doing so. None of our pregnancies were planned and they just happened when they happened. Part of me feels like we have to stop having children at some point for financial reasons, but another part of me feels like cutting off the ability to do so is like playing God. I strongly believe that God brings people into the world on his terms and that a vasectomy would be like telling God that our plans are bigger than his. What do you ladies think/feel about this? Please, no nasty responses.