Super light headed

I'm 6 weeks 1 day and last night at 12:23 (when my husband and I got home from work) I was so light headed and the room was spinning like crazy. I woke up this morning to the same thing. Any time I moved at all the room would spin even if my eyes were closed. My husband had to help me to and from the bathroom because I couldn't balance... 
I'm better slightly. I only get dizzy if I move quicker than a relaxed speed. 
I know dizziness is common in pregnancy. Has anyone else experienced this? I don't know how good my new insurance is so I haven't gone in yet... (I plan to at 10 weeks) 
Update:a year later- I ended up having a miscarriage the day after I posted this topic. But I'm 26 weeks pregnant and everything is going great this time around!