Am I wrong😔

Not talking to my child's dad. I feel like it's the best for me and baby. Plain and simple he's an ass and feels like the world revolves around him. Last week I had enough. One minute he wants to be a family and the next he doesn't. Then he doesn't want to talk to me at all. He has stressed me out ever since he decided to come back and I'm too the point I don't want him around. Today I texted him asking did he want to know about the baby's about. Told him and his response was "thanks, take care". I wish men would understand how hard being pregnant is. I just can't deal. I've realized that everything is about him. His life is hard. He is broke. He is having a bad day. He doesnt want to be in a relationship. He wants to move in then he doesn't want to move in. Like I've been on an emotional roller coaster with him and I just can't do it anymore. I swear I don't want to take this experience from him and not have him there when I go into labor but the thing he says and does just makes me want to go through this alone 😔. Any time he's mad it's always "hit me when she gets here or keep me updated about her." "I don't care how you feel about me or I don't care what you do" but how can you say that to the person carrying your child? How can you not care? Like maybe it's just me. I have some thinking to do.Â