Looking for support

Guess best place to start is at the beginning.. 😊
I'm 30, hubby is 27, and we have been TTC for 4 years and 5 months. We decided to go get me checked out since I'm not getting any younger. Up to last year we were just going to let it happen and not worry. Well I have PCOS. I have one son that's 8 (not hubbys) and have had 9 miscarriages (none with hubby). I'm on metformin 500mg twice daily and I take progesterone from the first through the seventh of every month just to have AF. I test opk twice daily and BD every other day when we get closer to fertile week. Long, scary process but I keep faith it will happen. And when it does I will have the most gorgeous designer baby. 😂 
If I don't laugh about it I would cry. So hopefully I will meet a few others around to encourage one another in this journey. Sorry so long!
30 day cycle
AF expected May 8