28 weeks 4 days with sharp pains/cramp

Sarah • Proud Mommy to my beautiful Aleigh and miracle baby Aria. 🌈 😍 Angel Mama. 👼🏻

Heads up, long post! FTM. Last night I started with sharp pains in my lower abdomen. They went away pretty fast and I didn't really think anything of it. I had been on my feet more than normal and had done a lot of walking so I just chalked it up to that. This morning at about 1030 the pain came back along with cramps. It is not constant. They come and go.There is no way of timing it. I could have it for a minute, then them leave, and come back a minute later. Or I could have the pain/cramp for a few minutes straight and then leave for a couple minutes . It's been three hours. I have eaten and am very hydrated. Nothing I do makes the pain worse or less. Laying on my left side doesn't change anything. I tried drinking water and laying on my side.

I have tried reading up on it and one place says it's normal and another says it isn't. I don't want to overreact but I don't want to underreact either. I don't know what to do here. Anyone have this happen?