
I get really really frustrated when I see people complain about not being able to have an ultrasound done until they're like 12 weeks and they're mad because other people get to have one done earlier... Well let me just say this, I had my ultrasound done at 6 weeks and 5 days, ONLY because I've had a miscarriage before.. Had I not had one before, I would've had to wait until I was 12 weeks too.... The first time I was pregnant, I never got to have an ultrasound done ever... The only reason most people have an ultrasound done early is if they have a high risk pregnancy, due to miscarriage or anything of that sort.! Sorry, I just really wanted to get that off my chest because it really bothers me when people say that kind of crap. I understand that you want to see your baby too, and you want to know that everything is ok, but geeze.