
I know many pregnant women suffer from backaches. I have this back problem as well. Sometimes I feel as if I've been kicked in the back by a horse! It will hurt to walk or stand. It comes and goes, sometimes it can happen a few hours a day, other times it may be two days later for a few hours.

Is this even normal?! I have tried ice packs, heating pads, bath soaking, the pillow between the legs, mild exercise, but it doesn't ever work 😭😭. I don't have another doctors appointment for about three weeks and I try not to call my doctor unless it's something very serious (this is a very big city and he is a very busy man, I. Sure he has more critical pregnant mommies calling him). Is there anything you ladies did to help ease the pain? Or did you just suffer?! Lol sorry for the rant, I'm just dying at this point and would like any suggestions before I bother my obgyn.

And I should probably mention that about two weeks ago I had a strained muscle in my lumbar area (maybe it hasn't fully healed?!?!) And a bad kidney infection (which I definitely believe is cured. I'm sure my doctor would've told me if I still had one with the last appointment I had on the 20th) . idk if that helps any but yes lol. Anything ladies, anything!!! And I'm trying to refrain from any drug use. ( meaning any OTC medicines we are technically not supposed to take, or my USED to be friend majiuana). Thank you ladies for reading my post, it really means alot!!