Depression again?(sorry it's somewhat long)

I struggled with depression many years, I was put on medication, about last year I just stopped taking them(I know you're not suppose to) but I have always been fine since absolutely nothing like I use to be. Lately for a few weeks I just don't feel happy. I'm having a lot of intimatsy issues with my SO, I found out I'm on the verge of losing my job, and just other things. I feel so belittled by everyone, and like I'm not enough. Even with my SO, lately he's just implying I don't do much(for work bc it's only 3 &1/2 days)and lately I haven't even felt like doing house work.(he's said stuff about that to). I just don't have the motivation because I feel like what's the point, anything I try and do isn't good enough anyways. I tried cleaning the house today to make him happy when he gets home, but it's hard for me to even keep going, I've got some things done, but I'm just so mentally drained and when I had depression I slept all the time. And that's how I feel now, I have no motivation, I'm upset and feel extremely tired that I just want to sleep the rest of the day. All I really feel like doing is sleeping, and drinking. I noticed that to, I've been taking up smoking again, and I've been drinking more than usual. I just hate being like this, but I feel I have no one that gets it. And the people I should go to about this, I've always had a really hard time talking about things. Especially this. I just don't know what to do anymore😪