Aggravated 😁😁😁😁

I posted about this about a week ago, but I feel my hubby is being a bit childish and just need to vent. This weekend was spent at my parents, 2.5 hours from where we call "home." Before we've even made it out of their driveway this evening, his mother calls to tell him she has to work from 1pm-10pm Mother's Day and asks if we've decided where we are going to spend it. He told her they could discuss it later and hung up.
He explains the situation to me, and I tell him *three times* that he is more than welcome to spend Mother's Day weekend with his mom (who lives 15 minutes from us and whom he sees several times a week) but I will be spending it with my parents. No hostility, no grudge, nothing. I understand. I only have every other weekend off when I can visit, mind you.Β 
He then starts complaining and says I dont make enough of an effort with his mother and she's said several times how it hurts her feelings. I cooked dinner for her and family Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> (when I had to work the next day), cooked Sunday dinner weekend before last for her, have been shopping with her, have told her she's welcome anytime, etc. she, on the other hand, has never attempted to call me on my birthday or holiday (when she lived out of state) in the four years we've been married (but calls her 'baby' 15 times a day), refers to our house as her sons house, only thanks him for gifts we get her and when we buy her dinner, and still has me saved in her phone as ----'s girlfriend.Β 
Since she moved back in December, all she's done is complain every time we go visit my folks (she's being treated differently, blah blah blah) and apparently wants the both of us here Mothers Day. I told my husband it's not up for discussion. I only get to see my family every other weekend at most and I'm not spending Mother's Day with someone who acts like I don't exist. He hasn't spoken to me in 2.5 hours and is still avoiding me. Aggghhhh!!!! Men.