Progesterone vaginal suppositories.

Is anyone else on these? I am not sure what the brand is for these ones. These pictures are all I know about it. I thought it was weird when I got home and the pharmacy didn't give me any info on them. I am on them because I had a miscarriage on March 2nd and my doctor thought that it was because I may have low progesterone. So she has done multiple blood tests and last Friday it was time for the progesterone and I was at an 8.1 when she said I minimum need to be at a 15 to sustain a pregnancy. So I have these now and this morning was my first one. I inserted it in my vagina and within a couple minutes, if I was walking or just standing it felt like I was leaking. I felt extremely wet down there. Has anyone else had this? Is it increased CM or is it the mess? I am worried I am leaking what my body should absorb. Any insight would be great. Thanks.