POISON IVY😱 hellllllllp!!!!

Lisette • Joyfully married to a wonderful man. Living the volunteer life together- jw.org
I have it! What do you recommend??? There are so many things on google and I need to know what works. 
Here's what I've done so far: 
- I am using drops from natrabio that go under my tongue and I'm using them every hour. 
- Baking soda and white vinegar mix and scrubbing the bumps and watching them ooze. 
I had a reaction about 4years ago and had to get a steroid shot which didn't do anything and led to my entire face swelling up, eyes sealed shut, off of work for 2 weeks. 
Please help!! I'm on day 3 and I've noticed a few new bumps but so far no face swellingÂ