Due Date Changed

My due date was changed today from 12-17 to 12-23. I was measuring early. Heartbeat was 112. Anyone else had this happen and still have a healthy pregnancy? 
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My original due date was 12/10 and has changed to 12/21. It is very concerning to me and I'm so ready for my ultrasound next week. Blessings to each of you.


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Happened with me! My due date was December 5th and based off of my last period but I knew it was impossible because when it was saying I conceived was two days into my last period lol. Plus I did ovulation strips and knew exactly when I ovulated and made me earlier. It all depends when you ovulated! Now my due date is December 16th and the baby had a perfect strong heart beat. I'd only be worried if it was a few weeks early like it was with my first one which resulted in a miscarriage.


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I was due 12/3 and it was changed to 12/12. I'm a tad nervous and go back next week for a follow up US but I'm hoping everything is okay 


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Happens all the time. My original due date was 3/15 with my last pregnancy and it was changed to 3/18. She was born 3/20. Babies grow at different rates, and the due date is just an estimate anyway.