Taming Consistent Nausea


Hi all :) I am currently 7w2d (first pregnancy!) and for the last 2 weeks have been suffering from non-stop nausea. I haven't vomited much, but I retch and gag all the time. I think I have finally found a balance to keeping the nausea at minimum:

- eat little bits at a time but eat frequently (hunger also causes nausea... don't ignore a grumbling stomach!)

- eat bland starches, fresh fruits and as little spice as possible (my fave dinner? Linguine tossed in a little herbed olive oil and a slight sprinkle of parmesan. Also, vegetable pho!)

- make sure it's a acid/base balanced meal (for example 2 tangerines with two slices of toast or a handful of grapes with crackers and avocado)

- drink sparkling water in litttle sips to clean out your mouth (I've found that after tastes make me severely nauseated)

- listen to your body: it's okay if you don't want spinach or apples or anything healthy... right now I feel like anything green just makes me wanna puke so I avoid it. If it means eating biscuits and a donut, and that makes you feel better, do it!! (For me, it's also having a slice of chocolate cream pie every now and then)

In all, I've gone from being completely miserable and exhausted to decently functional, even if it means hauling around a huge bag of little bits of food to keep my stomach calm.

Do you ladies have any more tips to add? I'm so happy that I have y'all to listen and talk to! Please, enlighten me ☺