Found baby on Doppler 7w3d

Hey everyone! About a week ago I ordered a sololine fetal Doppler online.  I wasn't planning on using it for a few more weeks since I have heard that people haven't been able to find a heart beat this early. Anyway, when I got it I just wanted to try. Without any expectations. I found a heartbeat right away. My heartbeat I figured out shortly after. Lol. The excitement of hearing mine gave me a little more motivation to try some more. About 15 minutes into moving the probe around I heard a really fast heart rate. I was able to record about 30 seconds of it on my phone before my nerves made my hands shake out of position. I know people might say that it was probably the echo of my own heartbeat but as a labor and delivery nurse I am so certain that I heard my little bean. Heartbeat around 172. Has anyone else tried on their own?