
So I just did my first reading with Kaitlyn Robey, her reading was spot on, but it makes me nervous. Here is her reading and I'll explain why I'm nervous at the end:
Nicole's Fertility Reading 
Your well-being and health:
7 of Wands
5 of Wands Reversed 
You are feeling quite defensive regarding ttc, and almost dread every month awaiting your period or testing time because you are so sick of getting hurt again and again. It may be causing conflict in your relationship or with other people, and perhaps even conflict within yourself between your own thoughts and ideas ie "is it even worth it to try". You are feeling drained mentally. 
Your partners well-being and health:
The Emperor 
8 of Wands
Your partner is very masculine and dominant, with a no nonsense attitude. He may be a leader in whatever field he is in, or is in charge in some way. He is in good health and may be very physically fit. He may be feeling like things are really up in the air, like he isn't settled somehow or is waiting to receive news or a message of some kind. 
Advice for you based on above:
King of Wands Reversed 
I feel if you are currently seeing a specialist, you need to look for another one because there may be something he/she isn't detecting. If you haven't seen someone I think it would be a good idea and move things forward in your case, as there may be an issue with either ovulating or the sperm reaching the egg (I feel that if the egg was fertilized, it would have no issue implanting itself and sticking). 
Advice for him based on above:
5 of Swords Reversed 
Let go of anxiety and worry about what other people are thinking or doing. Learn to choose your battles wisely and know when it's time to walk away. Do not even waste your energy engaging with someone who is not going to see your point anyways. Physically I feel you are needing to get some more sun (vitamin D!) and eat more leafy greens. 
When are you most likely to become pregnant:
2 of Pentacles 
2 months or Aug 1-Sept 21
How will pregnancy affect your life:
Ace of Pentacles 
This is the ultimate card of abundance of all kinds. You might receive a lot of gifts or even a financial windfall. I think this is going to stem from the abundance and accomplishment you feel within yourself, as like attracts like. 
Will you have a boy, girl, or twins:
10 of Wands 
I feel there is a strong possibility for twins. If not twins, then boy! 
Ultimate thing to consider before becoming pregnant:
Queen of Swords Reversed 
Do not sink down into a feeling of infertility, believe in yourself, your health, and your ability to have children. I also feel that a female specialist is going to be a big help to you, and you may get a script for meds (perhaps this is why I am seeing an increased possibility for twins) 
I hope this helped!! Xoxo
I'm nervous because she said I'll most likely become pregnant in 2 months or August-September. I've been TTC for 16 months, each month gets harder and harder. Has anyone had a reading and it wasn't accurate?