Don't know what to think

So yesterday I went to see a medium & he was fantastic,really blew my mind..Had me in tears he was so accurate..

Anyways he told me he can see me with a little boy of my own (currently have 3 girls struggling TTC baby number 4 for almost 2 years),but he said before that's going to happen I'm going to lose a baby 😩 He said there was something going on there pointing to my lower area that was the reason I would lose the baby..Now the thing is I'm quite skeptical normally about these things but when he pointed this out it shocked me..3 years ago this month I had a part of my cervix removed due to cells that would eventually turn cancerous..They told me they had to remove a larger part then they originally thought & that if I were to get pregnant most probably would need a stitch...

My mind is going crazy as he was spot on with the reading..It scares me as I don't want to go through that but don't want to give up trying for a baby 😩

Sorry I just thought I'd share my story with people who believe as my husband so far is a non believer of things like that plus the afterlife etc