PLEASE READ - desperate for advice

Kymberley • Hey! I`m 23 years old, I have 2 little princes,
So I will try shorten this as much as possible... I found I was pregnant on 8th April... Had spotting so went to hospital blood test on 12th hcg was 48 (roughly 3-4 weeks digital said I conceived 1-2 weeks ago) had another test on 14th it was 171 booked a scan for 28th... Had my scan Thursday said there was nothing in my womb and saw something at the side of my overie (2.3cm diameter) told I was having an eptopic pregnancy had another blood test to check it was going down and it was 271 had another today (30th) and its 480 and I'm now being told it could be a viable pregnancy and I was too early to see anything (I had u/s and internal u/s) does anyone have any experience?? I'm in bits don't know what to think.... Is it ok is it growing in wrong place is it not argh!!!!