Kidney Stones and Enlarged Spleen?


Hi ladies,

I am currently 30w3d and last Friday I woke up with some pain in my lower abdomen. I went to work as it felt like it could just be some pain due to stretching. After about an hour the pain became almost intolerable and I felt like I needed to pee. When I went to the bathroom I discovered I was peeing blood. I called my OB and was advised to go to L&D immediately. After several tests and ultrasounds they determined it was kidney stones and also noted my spleen was quite enlarged. Unfortunately, they were not able to give me a reasoning for that but told me to be extremely careful as not to rupture it. I have a follow-up appointment with my OB later this week, but I was wondering in the meantime if there was someone else that has experienced the same thing. I have since passed a fairly large stone (ouch!) and the pain from that has passed as well, but now I am worried about this spleen issue.

Thanks in advance!