
Hello, i am in an abusive relationship, he use to hit me, when he had cocaine and beers. We broke up and somehow we returned, then he got worst, he attacked me with a gun, and hit me with it, he threw me out of the house at 2am, i hide myself and slept till 7am, collected my stuff and left. He was so mean, calling a whore, that i wanted his money, and he told me that if he wanted his forgiveness, i needed to call a girl to have threesome, he even suggested that i call my sister or mother.😭😭😭 it was so offensive, he knows i never ask him for anything but respect, he said or you do it or you leave??? So, i left. 
Am i crazy? Or is that acceptable? Should i accept that kind of behaviour.
Hes exgirlfriend has been messaging to insult me, all of this has affected my self esteem, i dont know what to do.πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ™πŸ™πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”
I cant go to the police, because hes a millionaire.
We had sex, i took the plan b, and i have pov, hope im not pregnant.Β