Ovulation symptoms


Ok ladies, quick question do any of you ever experience "mittleschmerz"? If so, how soon before ovulating, or does it happen on your ovulation day and how long does it last? Also do any of you experience dizziness? If so, how bad is your level of dizziness?

Now the reason why I ask is because this is my fertile week and Sunday I felt like a twinge or cramping in left ovary side but for a brief moment, then It just went away, didn't feel anything again til Tuesday & I felt it again on left ovary side for just a brief moment again. My chart shows yesterday was my most fertile day, however I am having more of the egg-white watery CM today then yesterday and more dizziness today than I did yesterday. I'm hoping it's because I am ovulating, cuz me & SO didn't BD yesterday or day before. We have been TTC going on a month & a half after an ectopic pregnancy in May. So I know my odds are against me so I'm trying to double track my cycles as I am hoping I will have better chances of becoming pregnsnt sooner.