Spouse :(

Does anybody else feel distant from their hubby? I'm a stay home mom and I don't have a car. So I'm home all day long by myself with our 3 week old son. My husband is at work 12 hours then comes home eats dinner and watches tv and falls asleep by 9. So we only get 3 hours out of the whole day "together" and I say "together" because even though he is here its like he's not. He shows me no attention. I'm glad he say how's our son attention but I mean shoot I need attention too :( he will hold me while he watches tv but he falls asleep 10 mins into the show and then just snores the entire time in my ear!!! I just miss the way our relationship used to be. I miss feeling pretty. I miss having his attention. I miss being able to go out and do things with him. And I really just feel like he doesn't care about me anymore :( he tells me I'm grumpy all the time but can you blame me?! I had a baby 3 weeks ago. I'm sore. I'm still healing. I'm home alone all day with a crying baby that just wants to be held and my back hurts and laundry is piling up and I miss my husband :( and I'm sick and tired of him just coming home to snore in my ear!! As If I don't already have a head ach...