Stupid fucking video games

C&G <3 • Whelp we are a comfy family of 4

He talks about being tired/sore from work so i help ice his knee/ankle when he needs it, let him nap whenever, rub his back, make all 3 meals, run baths with epsom basically pamper because i KNOW he works hard so i can stay home while pregnant. But this shit of he falls asleep during movie night, forgets we have a date, is too tired to help me with birth plan, is going to miss ANOTHER Dr appt and this one is a ultrasound, he forgot in 15min it took me to run the water and get in that we were suppose to have a relaxing bath together and him help with a few maintenance (8months pregnant huge need some help with shaving ~cough cough~), forgot to bring fucking food home, forgot i asked about him calling for insurance just FUCK!

Yet he can remember when the guys want to fuckin play video games which day what time etc, always remembers about his d&d game night and is in constant contact with his friend for it, can stay awake to watch wrestling......i can't the more i type the more pissed off i get. FUCK it just FUCK.

Anyone else want to take the video games out and destroy that shit. Or have a good man that forgets to grow the fuck up sometimes?

Ok let me update to expand this i game too, prefer skyrim on PC or fallout. If he has the PC then I'll hit up tanks on the ps4, dont much care for the wiiu the control pad pisses me off and i LOVE fucking ADORE my game boy 3ds for nothing but pokemon. (And sun and moon is coming out soon so hell yeh). I sitll have my yellow, red and blue original though not the memory content since the battery died. :-(

That being said 1 night a fucking week isnt too much to ask for.